Hi there Bjarne, Martin Russell from Afro Celt Sound System here I visited the Real World Remixed site earlier today and came across your remix of "My Secret Bliss". Thank you for taking the time and trouble to put it together. I listened several times, loving where you took it harmonically. I also found your post on the forum there and found your own site's address - so here I am! Just wanted to let you know how impressed I am by your music, your website...and everything I've found here. You have created an amazing and inspiring palette of sounds and what looks like a huge body of superb music. I wish I had more time to listen today, but wanted to say hi and thank you for an hours' worth of wonderfully pleasant distraction! I'll be back soon...Very best wishes meanwhile.
Thank you again, Martin
Hi there Bjarne, Martin Russell from Afro Celt Sound System here I visited the Real World Remixed site earlier today and came across your remix of "My Secret Bliss". Thank you for taking the time and trouble to put it together. I listened several times, loving where you took it harmonically. I also found your post on the forum there and found your own site's address - so here I am! Just wanted to let you know how impressed I am by your music, your website...and everything I've found here. You have created an amazing and inspiring palette of sounds and what looks like a huge body of superb music. I wish I had more time to listen today, but wanted to say hi and thank you for an hours' worth of wonderfully pleasant distraction! I'll be back soon...Very best wishes meanwhile.
Thank you again, Martin